MCW Poet Shangyang Fang has won the 2019 Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Prize. Shangyang was awarded first prize for his poem Argument of Situations. Congratulations, Shangyang! Details here.
MCW Poet Shangyang Fang has won the 2019 Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Prize. Shangyang was awarded first prize for his poem Argument of Situations. Congratulations, Shangyang! Details here.
The University of Texas at Austin has announced that the award-winning playwrights Annie Baker and Branden Jacobs-Jenkins will join UT’s playwriting faculty. More details at American Theatre.
7 pm
Thursday, March 7, 2019
At Malvern Books
Facebook Event
Jane Miller is the author of the poetry volumes Thunderbird, A Palace of Pearls, Wherever You Lay Your Head, Memory at These Speeds: New & Selected Poems, August Zero, American Odalisque, and Who Is Trixie the Trasher? and Other Questions, all from Copper Canyon Press. Her honors include fellowships from the NEA and the Guggenheim Foundation, and she serves as advisor and jurist to numerous distinguished national book and poetry prizes. Jane Miller is the visiting poetry faculty at the Michener Center in Spring 2019.
“Reading Jane Miller’s poetry is like channel-surfing on acid: her deliberately interrupted narrative warps and weaves and makes the familiar strange and the strange recognizable as something you might have put away in a shoebox.”
— Terri Sutton, LA Weekly
Join Black Studies at UT Austin as we sit down with Award-winning author and a MacArthur Fellow, Edwidge Danticat on the opening night for the Black Studies at UT 2nd Biennial Conference. A book signing will follow the keynote at 8:45 pm.
For more information about Edwidge Danticat and the full conference schedule, please visit www.blackstudiesutconference.org
Co-sponsored by the Michener Center for Writers.