MCW Alum Rachel Heng in The New Yorker

Michener Center fiction alum Rachel Heng’s story, “Before the Valley,” was published in The New Yorker. The story can be found along with an audio recording here. Rachel also discusses the story with New Yorker editor Deborah Treisman here.

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MCW Alum Nathan Harris in Publishers Weekly

Nathan Harris, a Michener alum in fiction (MFA ’20) was featured in Publishers Weekly. Read more about Nathan and his forthcoming debut novel, The Sweetness of Water (Little, Brown and Company, 2021): What Does Freedom Mean? A Debut Novel Is Asking.  

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Recent & Upcoming Faculty & Visitors

In 2020-21, the Michener Center is thrilled to welcome visiting faculty Molly Antopol, Joanna Klink, Maya Perez, and Natasha Trethewey. Read more about them here. While we are still putting together our roster of guests and visiting faculty for the coming year, we are thrilled to announce that, in 2021, we will host Mary Szybist …

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Zoom Q&As at MCW

While we were unable to be together in person for our normal reading series this year, the Michener Center was nonetheless thrilled to invite some amazing guests to give private Q&As with our fellows. In Fall 2020, we welcomed Damon Lindelof, Yiyun Li, Natasha Trethewey, Molly Antopol, D. A. Powell, and Jorie Graham for some …

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